Kitlocker.com & Street League: Providing Opportunities and a Mutually Beneficial Relationship
Our relationship with Street League began the best part of a decade ago. Initially, it was a simple case of kit supply. But between then and now it’s become something much more than that.
Street League’s mission is to use sport and education to help young people into work. And that’s exactly what they’ve been doing since their foundation in the early 2000s. Equipping 14-30 year olds with the confidence, motivation, essential skills and qualifications needed to secure employment and most importantly, enable them to flourish.
Street League operates in many towns and cities throughout the UK. And in recent years we’ve developed a very close tie with our local branches in Sheffield and now, Rotherham.
We began providing groups of their young people with visits to Kitlocker HQ in Sheffield. We gave them the grand tour, an insight into each department and even a bit of practical work on printing presses and in the photography studio. The aim of all this was to provide an insight to daily life at a busy workplace.
The beauty of our HQ is that we have every department at one location, enabling us to show visitors every step of the Kitlocker.com process. And also, crucially, give Street League’s young people an understanding of a wide range of roles and positions. We hope that this allowed some of them to envisage the kind of job they might be interested in when entering employment.
Our relationship with Street League was then taken a step further when we provided a number of their young people with work experience placements in a range of departments.
We were delighted to have them on board and were so impressed with their work ethic and willingness to learn and engage, that we offered full-time permanent employment to three of them. Each of them have quickly become very popular members of the team and massively valued assets to the company.
This sort of relationship highlights the mutual value of working with local organisations and initiatives. It’s something we’re keen to embrace and is an area of the business we hope to develop further in the future.
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If you think that we’d be able to help you with your business’s next big project then we’d love to hear from you!
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